At Sacred Heart we know that learning shouldn’t just happen in the classroom- or even just in the school day. We take pride in offering a broad range of extra-curricular activities as part of our extended curriculum offer. Some of the clubs are designed to supplement our curriculum learning, some our based around competitions and some are based on the experiences we believe all Sacred Heart children should have… and some (most recently French Club) are based on what our pupils tell us they would like. If you or your child has an idea for a club or something they are interested in please do let us know and we’ll look to incorporate it into our next offer.
A key part of our extra-curricular offer are the wide ranging opportunities children have to represent the school in different competitions, fixtures and events. Please visit our social media page for the latest update on these.
Alongside these afterschool clubs, we do have a number of in-school clubs that run at break and lunch time. These include Calm Club, Computing Club and Art Club. Please ask you child about which of these they are involved in.