Year 2 had a great time at the Herbert Art Gallery on Thursday! This term, they are focusing on sculpture, and their next unit focusses on sculpture using clay. It was therefore a wonderful introduction to the topic when children had the opportunity to explore sculpture and clay at the gallery and were taught how to produce sculptures of their own faces using moulding and sculpting techniques. The day was so much fun and the children loved the chance to see all the different art work and also try their hand at both sculpting and sketching techniques. #romeroexperience
Year 4 trip to Lunt Fort
Year 4 had an amazing day at Lunt Roman Fort on Wednesday this week. As part of their History topic on the Romans, the children dove deep into the fascinating world of the Roman army. They learned all about the incredible armour and weapons used by soldiers, and even had the chance to experience life as a soldier themselves! It was great to see them mastering the use of shields and swords, gaining a true understanding of what it meant to be part of the Roman army. This hands-on experience really brought History to life!
Year 6 Evacuation Experience
On Tuesday, our Year 6 pupils travelled back in time to 1940 and were ‘evacuated’ to the countryside in Gloucestershire. They took a steam train from Winchcombe Railway Station, sang war-time songs, took refuge in an air raid shelter, listened to 2 real-life evacuees, practiced fire-fighting and found out about life for evacuees during the war through handling artefacts. This trip has really enriched the children’s learning in History.
Year 5 Trip to Stratford
Year 5 had an amazing trip yesterday to Mary Arden’s Farm. The children explored the different professions that would have been available to people during the Tudor times, including herbalists, where they made their own lavender bags, weavers, seeing them practise putting sections of a house together, as well as exploring the general day-to- day life of a servant – where we watched how butter was churned! We ended the day participating in Tudor games and a Tudor dance. The children commented that they feel prepared with an abundance of knowledge and confidence for our upcoming Tudor topic and are looking forward to learning more!