Spotlight on Writing
Each week, I will be publishing one of the children’s work as a special way of celebrating writing at Sacred Heart. I wanted to share with you some amazing writing from one of our children this week that has absolutely blown me away! We have a really talented author of the future here.
Maiya in Year 5 – Macbeth character description
As the rain poured relentlessly over the heath of Scotland, three hooded figures appeared. They danced unearthly around a bubbling cauldron and chanted mythical spells. When they cackled, it revealed their black tombstone teeth. The creatures noticed Macbeth and Banquo then stared with eyes like little black portals, pulling them in closer and closer. Abruptly, the mysterious beings pulled down their hoods showing the grotesque monsters that hid behind the cloaks. Reptilian skin covered the hags’ faces like a blanket of scales. All three of the creatures smirked maliciously at Macbeth knowing what chaos they were to unleash on him. What would his future be?